Learning about your past lives, how can it help you?

Before I start, I need to say that I believe that anyone can access past lives and that past lives exist.

Even though past lives exist: there are absolutely NO USE of going in regression in order to learn about them.

The first reason why it is of NO USE is that, well you are not in the past life anymore, you are in this life here and now, and this is where your focus should be on.

When I say that, usually people reply that “if there was something in one of their past lives that was traumatic enough to create a deep injury in their soul, they would want to remember it in order to face it and overcome it”…

Why? I mean, what is the point of doing this? How can it help you? Let me clarify with a metaphor. Imagine someone who went through a big trauma, a trauma so big that the person completely forgot about the trauma itself. Now imagine that this person tells you that he/she wants to RELIVE this trauma ALL OVER AGAIN, in order to “face it and be able to go ahead in their life”. I am sure that you would be just like me and you will tell this person: “Then, what’s the point, just go ahead in your life right now from where you are, instead of reliving a trauma that YOU DON’T WANT!”

This being said, the real reason why it is of no use to check onto your past lives is because NO ONE can know if a past life moment that they are seeing and experiencing is truly their own past life. It could be the past life of your neighbor or the past life of someone who lives at the other side of the planet!

People think that, because they can “see” the images in their mind and they can “feel” the sensations in their body, and they can “remember” in their head the additional details of this past life, it is THEIR past life. And people think that because they see and feel and remember in their OWN body, so they assume that whatever is felt in their body belongs to THEM.

But the spirit world does not work like the physical world. Spiritually, everyone is interconnected, so there are no boundaries in the spiritual realm (which is why mediums can “see” things about you, but this is another subject).

And I know that you know this deep inside of you. Have you ever been able to “feel” the emotions of someone talking to you about their problems or watching some miserable person on TV who is struggling on the other side of the world? You felt sad too, right? Well it is strongly simplified but it’s the same basic concepts underneath.

There are no boundaries in the spiritual realm.

So the next question could be: why are you “receiving” a particular past life moment?

Because your vibration matches the vibration of this past life moment. That’s all!!!

If you are not aware of what vibrations are, let’s simplify by saying that vibrations are your mindset, and your mindset is the mix of your thoughts and your feelings.

This being said, have you noticed how often your thoughts and your feelings change, just within 10 minutes of your day? So now imagine how many different mindsets you can have in one day? In one year? During your whole life? It gets already hard to put number estimates, right? Ok well, now multiply this by the number of people who are living on this planet and the number of people who EVER lived on Earth since the beginning of times… Well, I don’t believe that we have measurement units to count this at that stage, but you do recognize that it is A LOT!

Well, this “A LOT” is the number of possible moments that you can access if you chose to keep going on trying to check your past lives.

So, in my opinion: NO USE, it’s better to focus on our own current life and make the best out of it

This being said, some people found relief, a sense of salvation, of freedom, after checking on some past life and accepting to “face” this trauma (which again, may not have been theirs at the start). Why do they feel so much better? If they do, it surely means that there are benefits to check on past lives, finally?

The reason they feel better is that they CHOSE to BELIEVE that it was THEIR past life, then they CHOSE to BELIEVE that they were strong enough to face it and overcome it (and they did- check out the explanation on “conditionings” on the Concept page of this website) and then they CHOSE to BELIEVE that it was freeing them from their “soul’s injuries”. And so it did just so.

Ever Heard of the Placebo effect? Being able to create a healing when the medication is just diluted sugar? Well, this is exactly what is happening here.

The benefit is not in going to see mediums, checking on past lives, buying artefacts... The benefit comes from what someone CHOOSES to BELIEVE. That’s it!

Whatever you choose to believe, you will experience it. The power is within you, not in an outside element/method/person.


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