How do supernatural “capacities” appear?

Why some people are able to”see” with their physical eyes forms that others cannot see?

Why can some people “heal” with their hands and others cannot? What advice are to take into account if one wishes to develop such capacities?

In order to understand why and how these capacities manifest with some and not with others, we shall interest ourselves to our subtil bodies.

Subtil bodies are all the bodies that contain our physical body.

We have a divine body which contains our buddhist body. The buddhist body contains our causal body. The causal body contains our mental body. The mental body contains our emotional body. The emotional body contains our etheric (energetic) body. The etheric body contains our physical body.

The human being’s subtil bodies

100% of human beings have all these subtil bodies.

All human beings constantly “receive” information through their mind (images, messages, ideas…etc…):

  • 9 people out of sur 10 consider themselves to have no specific “gifts” : they don’t know how to distinguish the information coming from “else where” or coming from “themselves”

  • 1 people out of 10 is considered to have a specific “gift” (knowing how to distinguish the information coming from “else where” or coming from “themselves”)

Among the information that ALL human beings receive through their mind:

  • about 95% of these received information are actually conditionings ( images, messages or ideas that come in mind because of particular beliefs- this point was shown by Neurology): these are the information that come from ourselves.

  • approximately 5% of these information are ideas, messages, images that don’t come from us but from other sources (which can be good or bad)

What is important to understand:

  1. Having capacities doesn’t preserve you from receiving information from “bad” sources (as a matter of fact, many with “capacities” don’t even realize it themselves).

  2. Having capacities will not create a huge change in your life as it only concerns maximum 5% of your daily life.

  3. What will really change your life is to concentrate on the 95% of things in your head in order to learn how to recognize conditionings that DON’T SERVE YOU and learn to transform them in conditionings that SERVE YOU in order to create what you wish for in your life (this is what my online course is all about).

Though, I know that you are curious about all this, here are the two combined reasons why there is only 1 person out of 10 among all human beings who develop “capacities”:

  1. By learning to distinguish these information, these people were able to keep improving their “listening” ability of these information, each one their own way (Ayurvedic masseuse, magnetizer, burn healer, medium, etc…) . In a sense, their subtil bodies let the information go through from the outside (divine body) to the inside (physical body), and they thus have the capacity to use their physical body in order to heal someone, see or hear entities with their physical eyes and ears…etc…

  2. Developing specific capacities was part of their life plan, and this is also why some people develop specific capacities instead of others. This is related to the person specifically, to his/her own life plan and what he/she chose to live (I explain these elements in the second chapter of my online course)

The second reason being out of our control: LET’S FOCUS ON THE FIRST REASON…

… One of the two things that prevent people to develop “capacities” is having one or more blockages on some subtil bodies.

Most blockages find themselves on the mental body level (but not only). Our mental body is the architecture of our thinking system, which means that it is all our beliefs and ways of thinking. It is also in the mental body that we will find the reasons for the 95% of what we do or don’t do on a daily basis (these information that come from ourselves under the form of conditionings as explained above).

It may be easier with some examples of blockages, so let’s start with examples of blockages on the mental body:

  • Someone who BELIEVES that all these “supernatural capacities” stories are non sense will create a blockage in the mental body. The information is thus blocked there and cannot reach the underneath bodies in totality (emotional, etheric and physical).

  • Someone who BELIEVES that it is very difficult and rare to develop capacities create a blockage on the mental body. The information is thus blocked there and cannot reach the underneath bodies in totality (emotional, etheric and physical).

Blockages can be more or less strong, of course. In the examples above, the first person has a big blockage and has little chance to develop capacities (logical, right?), whereas the second person has a lighter blockage. This second person can for example “feel” strongly the real emotions of others even when they hide it, or again “sense” energies of people or places.

Let’s continue with other examples of blockages on the emotional and etheric bodies :

  • Someone with a blockage at the emotional level: this person has, for example, the habit of suppressing certain feelings, and she took the habit to accumulate them without letting them out.

  • Someone with a blockage on the etheric level: this person will have a hard time feeling what is good or not for him/her, and he/she will have the tendency to do what is good “for others” before what is good “for him/her”.

Please note that these etheric or emotional blockages generally find their reasons in the mental body: the first person BELIEVES that she should keep her emotions to herself (from fear of other people’s reactions, from the wish to “appear” strong…etc), and the second person BELIEVES that he/she should do for others first (from the wish to be considered a “good” person, from fear of being rejected if he/she doesn’t “give it all” for others…etc)

Consequentely, if it is one’s path, succeeding in “awakening” capacities on the physical plane consists in having less and less blockages on the subtil bodies above the physical one.

All this evolves also, there are cases where certain people had capacities and rejected them (for XYZ reason), and the capacities disappeared (a rejection linked to wishing not to “feel” others’ pain could create a sudden blockage in the emotional body for example)

Other people did not have any and suddenly “awakened” capacities overnight without understanding why (a sudden new way of looking at things could remove a blockage in the mental body for example)

Getting rid of blockages on one’s subtil bodies is completely possible by oneself, and it will imply to review the architecture of our thinking system (as the mental body holds the most blockages).

Attention point: to review the architecture of our thinking system, under my opinion, should not be done in the objective of developing particular capacities because:

  • capacities would only represent 5% of our daily thinking experience

  • and because it is not just a matter of blockages, it is only a matter of life plan, so “obtaining capacities” as a result is absolutely not certain.

Personnally, the most interesting advantage in reviewing the architecture of our thinking system is that it allows us to regain control over the 95% of what and how we think and believe on a daily basis (and thus on what we create on a daily basis in our life), while getting rid of blockages at the same time.

If you wish to “awaken” specific capacities and you enter specific trainings to “become a magnetizer” or “become a medium”, my recommandations are as follows:

  1. Everything comes in its own time: no need to force anything or try to quickly get rid of blockages, it would be counter productive…

  2. Stay alert and listen to your intuition and feelings when the trainer will talk: if it doesn’t resonate with you, it means that it is false for you, as simple as this… And it is false to you today either:

    • because you unconsciously felt a “blockage” inside the trainer, something that “sounds off”

    • or because yourself have a strong “blockage” and your mind is not ready to question many things that are deeply anchored in your mental body… Here is also why point 1 is so important: everything comes in its own time…

  3. Understand that you could “receive” with your capacity information coming from “good” or “bad” sources:

    • The “good” sources only create positive feelings (look at my article about Guides on this blog where I give more details about all this)

    • You will have to stay alert to the type of sources that you receive every time you will use your capacity, you will have to maintain a strong and unshakable discipline on this point, MOREOVER if you wish to HELP other people with your capacity.

  4. Know that Learning never stops on these subjects. Gifts and other supernatural capacities are not like school where you learn for a while and then you get your diploma. Be ready for all this:

    • often choose to change your way of thinking

    • don’t hold on to your ego and admit when you were wrong on something

    • always do things respectfully for yourself and respectfully for others

    • NEVER see you as superior because you have a capacity and others don’t

    • understand that nothing is to be taken for granted

    • understand that everything is in continuous movement (including your capacity that can evolve in many different manners)

In the third chapter of my online course “Let your soul take control back over your life”, I share the methods in order to gain control back over the architecture of our thinking system.


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